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First Home Buyer Hub Buy at the right time Your first home doesn’t have to be your forever home

Your first home doesn’t have to be your forever home

‘Forever, Forever, We’re meant to be together, I’ll be there and you’ll be near, And that’s the deal my dear’—Shakira.

Looking for a home can be highly emotional, and being such a big purchase it’s easy to get caught up and think you’re looking for your palace, your forever home.

These days this is almost never the case. According to the Australian Census in 2016, one third of people aged between 20 and 29 and almost a quarter of those aged between 30 and 39 lived at a different address in 2016 than in 2015.

There is literally one born every minute in Australia!

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics there is one new person in Australia every 1 minute and 23 seconds. Add on top of this your own situation; if you aren’t married yet your situation may change when you get married. If you don’t have kids yet, being near schools might become more important. It’s important to take some perspective.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with buying a home that is right for you right now, and being prepared to buy another home when your circumstances change (when they inevitably do). Buying a home is a bit like having a child: there is never a perfect time. If you have everything else in place and your only concerns are “what ifs” about the unknown future, don’t let that hold you back.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with buying a home that is right for you right now, and being prepared to buy another home when your circumstances change (when they inevitably do). Buying a home is a bit like having a child: there is never a perfect time. If you have everything else in place and your only concerns are “what ifs” about the unknown future, don’t let that hold you back.