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Set up your search for success

Finding a home is easy. Just open go online and you’ll find dozens, if not hundreds of options to choose from. Just pick one from the list, make an offer, and boom! You’re done. But making sure that it’s the right one? That’s another story.

Technology has given us more options than ever for property searching. In the past you would have to scan the local paper or visit a real estate agent to see what’s available. Your choices would be limited by which paper you were looking at, or which real estate agents you chose to visit. Today, all it takes is a quick online search and you can find properties for sale all over the country, or even all over the world. We’re really spoilt for choice. That’s both a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because you’re not limited to choosing from a small number of available options. But it’s a curse for the very same reason. The vast number of available properties can be overwhelming. You can’t go out and inspect them all.

Even if you could, you wouldn’t want to. No one in their right mind would want to spend hundreds of hours going to inspections for homes that don’t fit your needs. So what do you do? Pick a few at random and hope for the best? What if you end up settling for a house that’s just “OK”, when your dream home was available just a couple of streets over? You’re going to be in this home for a few years at least. The last thing you want to do is end up with a home that reminds you of your bad choices every time you walk through the door.

Luckily, there is a better way. After helping hundreds of customers on their property search, we have identified a simple method for finding your first home. Using this method, you will maximise your chances of finding a home that is perfect for you.


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Instead of wasting every night on research and every weekend on inspections, you will use a few simple tricks to filter out the time-wasters and only spend your time on the properties that really matter. Instead of relying on gut instinct, you will come to property inspections with a list of key criteria that will help you to decide whether this home is really the right one for you. Instead of taking property prices at face value, you will learn how to independently check whether the asking price is in the right ballpark, way overpriced, or even underpriced—a diamond in the rough.

You can save yourself a lot of time and frustration if you approach your property search with the right method.